יום שני, נובמבר 02, 2009

Where have all our money gone

Where have all our money gone

I've written a little poem to be sang to the tune of "Where have all the flowers gone."

Let me emphasize that it is not one party that I am after. Three (and now four) consecutive administrations allowed our economy to be sold out to others under the false pretence of Globalization. Rather than taking care of our own interests and shape the same Globalization to something more bearable, they've just sold us. They did not necessarily had to use tariffs but they could've invested in modernizing our industries, negotiated better suitable international treaties (such as WTO and NAFTA) and other positive measures that could have been used. On the same time, these administrations coerced financial institutions into an irresponsible behavior (CRA) and allowed massive frauds to run rampant in our financial institutions (using "devices" such as mortgage bundling, derivatives and other ill fated stuff.) Once the system began to collapse, the newly formed administration was quick to take our money and give it to the perpetrators under the false pretence of Bailout ('Never let a good crisis go to waste', isn't it?)

The last two administrations (Bush and Obama) did not, and do not seem to care too much about our freedoms, though each one of them seem to attack a different set of freedoms.

This situation, in the hand of an administration laced with radicals whose loyalty to democracy is, at best, questionable, is disturbing and dangerous.


Where have all our money gone

Long time passing

Where have all our money gone

Long time ago

Where have all our money gone

Corrupted bankers took it all

When will they ever learn?

When will they ever learn?


Where have all our tax money gone

Long time passing

Where have all our tax money gone

Long time ago

Where have all our tax money gone

Corrupted politicians took it all

When will they ever learn?

When will they ever learn?


Where have all our businesses gone

Long time passing

Where have all our businesses gone

Long time ago

Where have all our businesses gone

Those corrupted people shipped them away

When will they ever learn?

When will they ever learn?


Where have all our jobs gone

Long time passing

Where have all our jobs gone

Long time ago

Where have all our jobs gone

Gone with the businesses all of them

When will they ever learn?

When will they ever learn?


Where have all our freedoms gone

Long time passing

Where have all our freedoms gone

Long time ago

Where have all our freedoms gone

Sold down the river all of them

When will we ever learn?

When will we ever learn?

Ze'ev Atlas

October 2009