יום חמישי, אפריל 05, 2007

Relying on Other Gods. Science and Such alike

I've already discussed the tendency in the Jewish people to rely on Other Gods with the dire results that such behavior brought upon us.
The modern era brought upon us the phenomena of unseating G-d and replacing it with the cult of Science as if Science has all answers. The Secularist Israelis turned into science and technology as the savior that would resolve all their problems. Based on that foundation they have built a formidable military power and "proved" their rights to the land of Israel to the world based on the junk science of Archaeology.
As it was promised in BeHukosai, G-d had turned both against them. As a "mere" coincident, the Arab and Muslim worlds that used to be primitive became adept in technology and science and is ready to take over with formidable military power.
But more significantly, the junk science of Archaeology, in which the lack of evidence for something is considered as a good enough proof that that something did not exist or did not happen, that junk science ios used to prove that the Israelite kingdoms (which the Assyrian empire had considerd an important threat) were merely chieftains. And now, since there are no evidence to the Exodus or to crossing of "Yam Suf" (a one time - one day event,) then these events must not have happened.
In an encounter with a person who defines himself as a Hassid in lifestyle and a Heretic in beliefs, I've repeated in other words, my opinion that there is no direct way to prove the existence of G-d or lack of it thereof. I complained sarcastically about the shallowness of those, from both sides who attempt such proofs. (I did not refer to those who "prove" the existence of G-d by killing anybody who even merely denying their version, because they really do not deserve any intellectual attention.) The aforementioned gentleman concluded that he did not believe that I do really believe in G-d. I did not answer to him directly, but from what I see, from to "coincidental" anecdotes, from the lack of real deep explanations to the phenomena behind the phenomena, from all those, my conclusion is that yes, there is G-d as the only plausible explanation. And with all our traditions about his interventions in the world that could not be explained unless one is willing to dismiss their occurrences altogether (a clear intellectual dishonesty,) I must stay within the realm of Orthodox Judaism.