יום שלישי, פברואר 13, 2007

About Daat Emet

This was first published as an answer to UOJ publishing a piece from a supporter of Daat Emet. I want to believe that UOJ was just not careful at this time:

I do know neither Rabbi Segal nor Mr. Naftali Zeligman. I have never read Rabbi Segal's pamphlet and I probably cannot refute Mr. Zeligman's factual assertions nor could I refute the material in the Daat Emet pamphlets. Also, I am not a Haredi but a simple MO and I currently live in USA, so the activities of Daat Emet organization in Benai Brak do not really affect me. However, UOJ, unfortunately I am familiar with the Daat Emet organization, its ideology and its pamphlets.
You probably know the maxim that "Sheker, Ein Lo Raglaim" (a lie cannot stand). This DE organization is an ideological organization of fanatic Secularists (yeah, there is something like that). As such they behave like any other religious fanatics just that their religion is deity-less. They try to convert others to their religion. For now they may not do it by force (although they've tried - I'll relate to you my account of one such effort in the end of this piece.) But they may do it by instigation, agitation and beyond all propaganda. Now, relating to the aforementioned maxim, had their propaganda been a simple lie, it won’t stand. Their propaganda is done by brilliant minds and is Emet. Truth out of context, truth abused and twisted for their own purpose and agenda.
I am far from being a Hassid or Cabbalist. Usually I am as rationalist as it comes, but visiting Daat Emet’s site is an experience that I may not describe in any other terms but mystical. It is like visiting the Sitra Ahara and looking him in the eyes. I tried it once, not knowing where am I going and I was shocked. No, this is not the correct term, I was literally shaking… I cannot express it in words, I really can’t.
I will not use Rabbi Segal terminology about this people, but I understand him. He probably went through the same process as I did. He was trying to express in words something that cannot be described in words. He fell into the trap of answering these people and opened himself to Mr. Zeligman’s counter attack. I know, I tried to reason with these people and then I realized that I can’t and probably shouldn’t.

Now for the story I’d promised about using force against observant Jews. The villain was not directly associated with the DE organization (that did not exist at the time,) but a person that promoted and lead the fanatic Secularism in Israel throughout the nineteen seventies, nineteen eighties and nineteen nineties. This was a woman named Shulamit Aloni. I posses an election campaign pamphlet promoting her for reelection to the Knesset in 1981. In this pamphlet that woman brags about her activities in the previous session of the Knesset. One of the bills that she tried to pass was a bill that would make it legal in Israel – a decidedly Jewish state with a government controlled economics – to allow organizations that have to operate in the Shabbos to be able to discriminate against people who refuse to work in Shabbos. Now this would close immediately a big portion of the Israeli economics to observant Jews. Beyond that, the only thing that a government with a Secularist majority would have to do in order to force the hands of all observant Jews would be to declare more and more if not all the Israeli market as need to operate in Shabbos.

Please UOJ, double check what you are publishing. You should leave publishing such a questionable material to “The Failed Messiah”. He is good at that! But you should be more careful.