יום שישי, פברואר 09, 2007

The Argument About Belief

An answer to A Hassid and a Heretic:

“It’s a wearying business, arguing with Creationists. Basically, it is a game of Whack-a-Mole. They make an argument, you whack it down. They make a second, you whack it down. They make a third, you whack it down. So they make the first argument again”.
You see Shtreimel, both you and your opponents come to the argument from the wrong direction. Sure, if you had lost (or perhaps never had) your belief in that deity, not any food or potion in the world, nor any other voodoo practice, would ever restore your belief. Believing in Go-d, the true belief does not stem from food, nor does it stem from the desire to have 72 virgins (or whatever) in the next world. On the other hand, one may argue with you and bring logical and scientific proofs until his/her face turn blue and it won't move you an inch.
True belief is a process; it must start from the heart and go all the way to reasoning. It is decidedly, a point of view. True believer knows and acknowledges other points of view. Many time he understands, because of his/her unique point of view, the fallacies of those of the other point of views. But, especially when the believer is an intelligent being, he/she also knows that the other side is not capable of seeing those fallacies.
When two highly intelligent human beings, who may see and acknowledge the two sides of the issue, engage in such an argument that you have described, they would go in a different route which does not really fit a blog page, or at least I do not know how to make it fit.
I will just say that one may be educated on the belief that evolution is a science, as I was. And then, all of the sudden you have a revelation and you understand (but may not really explain) the true meaning of the verse "Ha-Shamyim Mesaprim Kvod Kel" and the belief in evolution crumbles into dust.