יום רביעי, פברואר 07, 2007

If Moses Existed...

This was published in response to an article by some Israeli Archaeologist who dealt with the question of how many Luhoy did the non existing Moshe, carry.

Well, one slab of stone with the size described in the Torah is still 125 Kg according to this guy’s calculation (half of 250 Kg had it been two slabs.) And don’t forget we are taking about an eighty years old man!
All this article is BS as is the trend among Israeli Archaeologists. They all write BS and junk science!
To people like me, who believe in the Torah, then it does not matter whether it was one or two Luhot. However many, Moshe carried them in a miracolous way - and the text says two and means to all Hebrew speakers (except of junk scientists) two.
To people who do not believe then there are many obstacles such as: a) Moshe never existed, b) if he existed, he did not get any heavenly object, otherwise they would have to believe - this point is rather fundamental… but if we explain that somehow, then, c) the object or objects could not be that heavy, so it does not matter if it’s one or two - they would have to be much lighter… and so on - I am sure that the non-believer can come with more creative arguments from here to eternity.
Now, about the trend among Israeli junk science Archaeologists. One have just to read the latest crop of articles that is coming from that school of thought. The deny almost anything that the Bible says, based on non-evidence or the presumption that any other source that they may find is more reliable then the Bible. My pet peeve is an article that was published in the Biblical Archaeological Review several years ago. In it, the Israeli pseudo-scientist admits that the Bible and the Assyrian Royal Library (found in Nineweh) agree with each other to the T, except of that the library does not describe the siege on Yerushalaim and that there is a 5years siscrapency between two correlating events (that happened close to 2700 years ago - may be his interpretation or understanding of the timing is wrong?). This allow that Archaeologist to dismis the story in the Bible about a plague that killed most of the Assyrian army. He does not even bother to check the other possibility that there was a plague (regular occurance in armies that perform siege in the ancient times because of poor sanitation,) and that the Assyrian king would not like to admit a failure (ancient time cover-up.)
As I’d said, Israeli Archaeologists drove themselves into the corner of junk science and I would not give too much plausibility to anything they say.