יום רביעי, פברואר 28, 2007

More On the Issue of Daat Emet

When we are engaged in a struggle we tend to think along the lines that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Unfortunately, reality is much more complicated and the enemy of my enemy is not always my friend and he might be even worse enenmy then the one we struggle with. One has always to examine what are his goals and what are the goals of the two others in the equation.
If we take UOJ's struggle against the Haredi establishment we find that his goal is basically to correct and fix some evil growths that appeared and coruppted the Haredi society. UOJ does not want to destroy this society. He shares its core beliefs and way of life, he aches because of its aches and ills and he wants to save it. He described himself once as a plummer who is ready to deal with the "drek" for the good of all society.
Recently and unwittingly he recruited as a support for his arguments some article from the circles of Daat Emet. The problem is, in my opinion, that one may not seperate the message from the messanger. In a message in Hebrew, I challenged UOJ to go to the 'hofesh' website and read what is in it, all of it. I said that if after reading that he will still be willing to use any material from these people, even if that material is the absolute truth, then I will not bother him anymore. I would withdraw in saness, because the whole reliability of UOJ will be in question ever after.

BTW, this is not an exact translation of the Hebrew message although it repeats some of the same ideas. And, to the person who reacted to my Hebrew post, please understand, my language is Hebrew and it is easier for me to write in that language when something importnat is to be said. I do not think that those who do not know Hebrew are dummies and I was hurt by the implication.