יום ראשון, אוגוסט 06, 2006


Several years ago, when Ehud Barak was at the helm, some secularists leaders in Israel boasted that once they would accomplish the peace with the Arabs, their next target would be to finish (i.e. eliminate) the frum people. In my opinion, Go-d did not want that to happen and inflicted upon them the Intifada that caused the "peace" with the Arabs and Barak’s government to collapse. Of course, the secularists would say that this was a mere coincidence. I spoke with many Israeli secularists about that event and the coincidence explanation was the overwhelming majority’s opinion (100%) among them.
In an unrelated issue, there was a Gay parade and festivities ready to be Metame Jeruaslam and the war actually prevented this from happening. I surveyed some of my secularist friends and all said that this was a coincidence and would not allow me to make the connection with the previous event.
I have here two options, I could refer back in a serious manner to Be-Hukosai and show why those occurrences fit the pattern that the Torah suggests about a series of events that the people would believe to be coincidences and that type of belief would bring more terrible events, again, believed to be coincidences and so on. Or I could shorten it and end with a statement such as “Well those who believe in coincidences could continue living in bliss”.