יום שני, נובמבר 26, 2007

Rabbi Berger in YU

I am very concerned that even YU seems to be infected with the Lubavich Meshichist bug and that people there were trying to actually reject Rabbi Berger's appointment. I posted this as a raction to some posts there to summarize my stand:

Without reading all the arguments, let me please say that I came from an older world, where the only Jew who was regarded by some as "Bor'einu" was Jesus and that belief was rejected up front by all Jews. I lament the fact that in my life time, yet another Jew got to be considered by some as "Bor'einu" and there are people who do not reject this. [BTW to the guy who claimed that the late Lubavitcher WAS the Moshe Rabeinu of HIS generation - after all he's died and is not coming back any time soon - I'd like to remind him that people who elevated Moshe to something close to Go-d and made the golden calf to replace him were REJECTED by no other then Moshe Rabeinu himself, something that the LATE lubavitcher failed, unfortunately, to do!]
Rabbi Berger is one who is trying to alert us to the issue and shed light on the phenomena of man worshiping in our midst TODAY.